A big future wish!


I’m building a new website and on large screen sizes it look great with a site width of 92%, but on smaller screen sizes 92% results in very small side margins.

Almost everything in Pro can be adjusted regarding responsiveness per screen size, but why isn’t that possible with site width in the Global Settings? That would be awesome!

Skærmbillede 2024-11-09 kl. 09.06.11

Hello @Kobber,

Thanks for writing to us.

Regretfully there is no option to set the site width for each responsive breakpoint. I would suggest you please use custom CSS code to override the style to a small screen view. You can use this CSS selector .x-container.max {} to override the site width in your custom CSS code. In case you have no idea about the custom coding please get in touch with a developer who can assist you with your concerns or subscribe to One where customizations are answered.

I will add this as a feature request so that it will be taken into action in the future.


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