6.3.0 Beta - Some Observations

Amazing work, as always!

1. I got some warnings in the backend, some of which are already mentioned by others:

Header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/customer/www/***/public_html/wp-content/themes/pro-beta/cornerstone/includes/theme-options/woocommerce.php:1) in  **/home/customer/www/***/public_html/wp-admin/includes/misc.php**  on line  **1431**

**Warning** : Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/customer/www/***/public_html/wp-content/themes/pro-beta/cornerstone/includes/theme-options/woocommerce.php:1) in  **/home/customer/www/***/public_html/wp-admin/admin-header.php**  on line  **9**

2. This issue is something I was running into earlier, but now that the new drag&drop is here, I guess it is worth mentioning it. Sometimes when I click an element (a headline in this screenshot), the Column’s observer line expands a lot. It is supposed to stay around the headline.

3. There is a drag & drop issue that is consistent:
On the beta demo, try to move the column by grabbing the area between the headline and the text (this can happen accidentally for example).
Text will get partially selected:
When that happens, it is hard to unselect it, and once it gets unselected, the drag&drop won’t work anymore.

4. A small thing: I noticed Google+ among the social networks in Globals. Since it has been shut down in 2019, its existence gives an outdated feel. I suggest removing it.

5. The “No presets” text has low contrast:
Btw, how do we save presets? I’m missing something here. :slight_smile:

6. /cornerstone/theme-options has no preview option to load a desired document.

7. A new “plus” sign is a great thing, but it can be confusing when it is next to a product. I can imagine more confusing situations. A new product gets opened in Cornerstone while there may be nothing to edit there. Products are being edited in the WordPress editor.

I’ve tested all other things as well and haven’t found anything at the moment to report. Will be looking into it more.


5.1 This is where I can see save presets…

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@scotbaston interesting. I clicked on a heading, altered it and wanted to save the preset of it. I assumed such button should have been there but it wasn’t. Only the dropdown was there, telling me that there are no presets. (It can be seen on my screenshot above. There is a small part below the dropdown where the button should have appeared already).

I just installed Beta on a second test site and yes, the button is there now. I cannot go back to the first site anymore because once it logs out, it won’t log in anymore due to the pluggable.php error. Not even in the wp-login.php page works.

I’m not aware of the pluggable error, is that something general or specific to your install?

I got it on two installs, and it was reported here as well.

#1. We’ll have it fixed Beta2.

#2. I think that’ll be solved with the next drag and drop update. I’ll confirm with #3 as well.

#4. Yes I think it’s finally time to get rid of that lol.

#5. The Beta site doesn’t have template saving or really any saving. It’s controlled by permission Templates > Create.

#6. That does sound nice. Did Pro5 do this?

#7 Doesn’t this only show up if you enabled Product editing in the Cornerstone settings? Or am I missing something?

Thanks a bunch for testing! Great thoughts as always.


Hi @charlie!

#5. I was pretty sure it happened on my own install. Maybe I am wrong. I’ll retest as soon as I get time.

#6. Yes, it used to be a preview inside Theme options.

#7. I’ll retest when I log-in again in Beta 2. Right now I had to rename the theme folder and activate the stock theme to get back in.

#8. I’m not sure if this is still a thing, but it was happening quite often in Pro 6.2. The code window gets a scrollbar in the middle. it goes away if the windows is moved. (Chrome).


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#6 Okay cool, I’ll have to see how that worked. It might not translate the same when theme-options is in it’s own tab, but I think we can display something if no Documents are open. Sorta unrelated, but would be nice if all these tabs had an option to break it out to a popup window.

#8 You know I used to have this happen all the time, and now it doesn’t seem to happen as much. I am going to setup something where it does a refresh after creating for the first time. Let me know if you experience this in the next beta coming out most likely tomorrow.


#6 Upon checking out Pro5 I just realized it was already a tab, I was thinking of templates. It looks like it just brings up the homepage. We cool with a tab opening the homepage as well as the theme options tab when you click “Theme Options”?

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#6 You are right, the way to edit other pages inside the Theme options was to start them from that page. It would generate an URL such as this one:


There are various situations where seeing a page of choice is useful while adjusting theme options, it’d be great to still have it in some way.

#7 Yup, on this test site, Cornerstone was enabled for products. All good here!

#8 I just got the scrollbar when expanding the new Raw element. :slight_smile:

#9 There is a “Content area” element on the page. Right-clicking it allows only to lock/unlock it, and I cannot delete it. All I see is this:


I’m not sure what’s that about, just wanted to let you know. This is a test page with a bunch of stuff.


#6 Okay cool I missed that part. Yeah we can bring back the url part as well.

#8 Okay I’m going to send a resize event as well on initial load of the editor. If that doesn’t work I’ll have to actually successfully recreate this again.

#9 Do you want to double check what your permissions are for this element?

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#9 Right, the permissions for it are off. That makes sense but this is still a bit strange. A FacetWP slider was placed into it and it was editable. It seems that reintroducing the Permissions system locked down stuff that was used on the page.

This is easily solvable by enabling permissions for those elements, but I got confused, and I can definitely see similar confusion once this goes live. If that is the case, support requests may start coming your way.

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What permissions did you have for that element? Was it just turned off, or did your old permission for it come back? Yeah I agree it’s confusing, it’s a similar issue with the classic element change of Pro6. I can look at just enabling all elements if you’re upgrading from before V6 to alleviate this.

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This is just a test site with bunch of everything. I don’t know what permissions were set last, but I think that the element was accessible prior to the upgrade. I cannot be 100% sure unfortunately. :confused:

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