6.2.1 | Pages Missing From Docs List

Hi @charlie

Noticed this afternoon that a site that has been running 6.2.1 since release on Monday stopped displaying pages within the documents list in Cornerstone. I panicked at first when only one of my 24 pages showed up. A few minutes later a second one showed up but the rest are still missing.

Note 1: This wasn’t happening last night when I was working on the site. So it didn’t happen at the point of update.
Note 2: Oddly enough, if I specifically select “pages” from the document selector rather than “all” they show. Screenshots below.

Head goes in a couple different spots. So if you’re not getting all results most likely the search is getting cut off by something else. If you save another page that is hidden and it shows up after a save then that’s a confirmation your list is getting cut by something. Is there a special post type on this site that is never edited in Cornerstone? Are these other pages ever edited outside of Cornerstone? Are there any pages created in WordPress, but not in Cornerstone? Just trying to get an idea how to recreate.

Hi @charlie – thanks for the followup! The only custom functions I have in place are:

  1. CS Default Workspace Left
  2. Register an ACF Options Page
  3. I do have some custom post types but CPTs aren’t affected
  4. No pages existing outside of CS (except for a couple that haven’t been built yet)
  5. Oddly enough, if I search from the All Documents screen I can find the page. But not from the default view.

:man_facepalming: Welp, figured it out. Turns out it was due to the plugin Post Types Order by NSP Code. Know this isn’t necessarily a CS issue at all. But any thoughts what might be causing it? I don’t even have it enabled on pages.

When I installed the plugin I also had some reordering happening. I still saw pages, but it wasn’t the same ordering as before the plugin. It’s probably arranging a post types in a way that cuts off post types you can’t edit or something in that vain.

I’ll try a couple of things here with this plugin. First see if explicitly saying arrange by updated time helps, as that’s the default WP behavior we are expecting. Grabbing a list of each post type separately might help too, that might speed up the document list too startup too. Part of me thinks there should be a “Show More” button on each post type. In this case that’s not really the issue, but it’d still be cool.

Thanks for bringing this up! Always a pleasure hearing from you.