5.0.8: Classic Icon list error


One older site has an error in the Classic icon list element, after the update.

This is the front-end:

This is the backend:


It is not a backend rendering issue. The Items literally have those New item values:


I am going to eventually modernize the entire site, but for now this does look like a bug?


Hey @Misho,

What page are you seeing this issue?



Yeah, sorry. All pages with this element, such as https://www.progreso.hr/krediti/gotovinski/nenamjenski/.


Hi @Misho,

I have checked your website and found the same output in backend and frontend. It might be some issue with cache, I would suggest you check once by clearing all types of cache and in incognito/private mode of the browser.



Thank you!

I have cleared all LS caches in cPanel:


And this:


Also in WP:


I have tried Incognito, and clearing browser cache.

On some pages, I see it on the front-end as well. On others I see content on the front-end, but not in the backend.

This could be related to my other topic.

What a mess. :slight_smile: This single website took me hours of troubleshooting, and still nothing. Could it be due to Litespeed?

Hello Misho,

I would suggest you please purge all the cache and then temporarily deactivate the cache and JS/CSS optimization plugin. Please follow these steps.

  1. Deactivate the Pro theme
  2. Activate the WordPress Default theme
  3. Delete the Pro theme and download the fresh copy of the Pro from the Themeco dashboard
  4. Reinstall the new Pro theme and activate it.

If it doesnโ€™t work for you, it would be best if you could copying your live website to your staging area. and send your details in a secure note so that we can investigate your setting without breaking your live site. Please provide the following details

  • WordPress Login URL (staging )
  • Admin level username and password
  • FTP details (staging )

You can find the Secure Note button at the bottom of your posts


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