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  • #664710

    Scott M

    I see so it sounds like next page is already in a TOC short code. I was told u can add next page to a TOC shortcode.

    Ahhh whatever, So conclusion is, don’t use next page?




    Hi there,

    It’s not, <!––nextpage––> is a separate feature that should be present when working with TOC. It’s not pre-added within TOC.


    [toc title="Table of Contents" type="left"] [toc_item title="1. First content" page="1"] [toc_item title="2. Page Two" page="2"][/toc]
    Content 1
    [toc title="Table of Contents" type="left"] [toc_item title="1. First content" page="1"] [toc_item title="2. Page Two" page="2"][/toc]
    Content 2

    TOC should be present on each content’s division like above. And <!––nextpage––> should be placed where you wish to cut your content, and not on the last CS’s section like you mentioned. Even if you place it on a section, it’s still within section’s structure. And if you wish to divide your content into 10, then you should have at least 9 instances of <!––nextpage––> and 10 TOC within the content.

    Let us visualise it,

    [o ]-[o ]-[o ]-[o ]-[o ]-[o ]

    [ ]” means it’s a group of content, while “o” represent same TOC within each content. And “” represent the <!––nextpage––>, hence one content divided into 6, 6 TOC, and 5 <!––nextpage––>

    But if you have issues with TOC that I misunderstood, then you may provide video recording showing the issues. And you may start a new thread regarding it so we can easily track it.

    Thanks for understanding.