.x-header-landmark search results

Hi there,
On Ethos stack, I removed the CATEGORY ARCHIVE text using css .x-header-landmark {display:none;} but it has inadvertently messed up the search results page. The grey bar that separate the content from the breadcrumb is missing on the results page only. I inspected the html but i can´t see what is missing from that page. Can you help?

Hello @Mbzo,

Thanks for asking. :slight_smile:

Please add following CSS under X > Theme Options > CSS:

.search-results .x-container.main:before {
    top: 0 !important;

1- I have found the proper CSS code selector using the Chrome browser Developer Toolbar: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wcFnnxfA70g

2- For the CSS code itself, I suggest that you get started with this tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yfoY53QXEnI

I also noticed that you are using old version of X Theme 6.1.6 and Cornerstone 3.1.6 on the website. Running old version of Theme and Plugin can cause compatibility and security issues. In that regards I suggest you to up X Theme 6.2.5 and Cornerstone 3.2.5 to the latest version.

I suggest you to copy the site to a staging server and test the theme update over there. In case any issue comes up same can be looked at without affecting the live website.

You can take a look at following article to setup staging site.


To update X Theme please take a look at following resources:

  1. Theme Update guide: Please take a look at following article to update Theme.

2. Please take a look at following doc about changelog:



Thanks @Prasant for the detailed answer! That seems to work, although the sidebar is still touching the top.

I haven´t updated X yet because there were issues, including some minor layout changes and the new font awesome icons to fix.

One more thing: how to translate the “Search results” breadcrumb - is it hard coded?

Hello @Mbzo,

Thanks for updating the thread.

You can add following JS code under X > Theme Options > JS:

    $('.search-results h1.h-landmark span, .search-results .x-breadcrumbs a.current').text('Your Text Here');

Please replace Your text here.

If you would like to explore Javascript, please take a look at following resource.



Sorted. Many thanks.

You are most welcome. :slight_smile:

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