Woo Commerce delivery address fields won't save

Hi. I have identified the X theme as the source of a block on adding a separate delivery address to an order in Woo Commerce. The delivery address reverts to billing address on submission. Can you help?


  1. Can you confirm that you are fully updated? (Theme and Plugins)

The latest version numbers as of this time are

Pro 2.4.6,
X 6.4.6,
Cornerstone 3.4.6
WooCommerce: | Latest Supported Version: 3.5.1

If you find anything to be out of date, you can review our update guide.

  1. Try testing for a plugin conflict. You can do this by deactivating all third party plugins, and seeing if the problem remains. If it’s fixed, you’ll know a plugin caused the problem, and you can narrow down which one by reactivating them one at a time.

If these doesn’t help, please provide us your wordpress admin login in Secure Note


Hi thank you for the reply.

I did disable all plugins and the problem remained, so it does look like a theme issue. All of the plugins are up to date, but there is a problem with the X theme update. I didn’t make this site but am maintaining it for the owners. When it was made no child theme was created. To up date the theme will lose a lot of the customization, so while I have the latest version of X theme to add, the update lost a lot of the sites appearance.

If this is the issue perhaps you can help? I no longer have access to the original X theme account so if we need to buy an update with support I can recommend that to the owners?

The experiments on the site are being carried out on a clone- access here


Hi Bev,

I tried the possible login URLs and it’s not working, and when it loads to wp-login.php, it caused a loop redirect. Would you mind providing more details on how we can access your login URL?



Sorry for the problem. Try this one at


Hi Bev,

Nope, still not working from my end. It says Page Not Found.

And please provide your credentials in the secure note for security purposes.



Thanks for your patience. There was a login security plugin that may have been blocking you. Have disabled it. Works for me in another browser now at backup.jorgsgoldsmithstudio.com/wp-login.php


Hi Bev,

Unfortunately, it’s still the same. I’m getting this,

If you have custom login URL that initiates redirects then please deactivate it temporarily so we could check.


Hi I have deleted the relevant plug in . Hope that works. Otherwise could you work with FTP or access to CPanel at server to access site?

Hi Bev,

No luck, still getting the same result. Yes, please provide your CPanel login credentials and I’ll check if there is a security that’s blocking it. Though, I can’t guarantee it so you may as well contact your hosting provider and see if your site is blocking access from other countries.



I will send on CPanel log in your secure link . You might also be able to access the site via the web applications/Wordpress link. Can you make any changes to the back up site - not the real one.

How do I

Thank you. Yes, it’s recommended to make changes in staging only.

Hi - any news on this ?

We still can’t login to your staging site’s WordPress Admin. It’s returning a 404 page not found error. We need for you to fix that first so we could check what’s going on.

The cPanel access was just for Rad to check if there’s a security rule blocking access. I don’t see anything blocking so you might want to contact your host for this.

Once we can login to your WordPress admin, we could check the issue and try to replicate it on our end to see if there’s an issue with the theme. If you can detail how we could replicate the issue, that would be best.


The hosts think you have been blacklisted so are asking for an IP address and exact country location. Could you send these to me?

Regretfully, it’s not feasible that we give each support staff’s IP address because we’re located in different parts of the world and we’re working in shifts.

Please ask your host to disable IP blacklisting while we investigate.


Hi. Conversation here with the hosts fyi. They are asking for a screen shot of the error message. They dont think it is blocked.

Bev The theme makers are trying to fix a problem but their technician cant access the site via the WP dashboard. BK suggested we whitelist their IP address or location but they say Regretfully, it’s not feasible that we give each support staff’s IP address because we’re located in different parts of the world and we’re working in shifts.

Please ask your host to disable IP blacklisting while we investigate.
We cannot disable it entirely I’m afraid. You could however whitelist all countries by adding them all to the .htaccess
the domain is the temp site backup.jorgsgoldsmithstudio.com and the error is 404
Ah, if it is a 404 error then it is a different issue
One moment
http://backup.jorgsgoldsmithstudio.com/wp-admin is loading for me, is it 404 or 403 you are seeing?
I dont get an error, but they do and they have confirmed 404
Has wordpress just recently been set up on this domain? If it’s a 404 error it could be a caching issue
it was set up about three weeks ago
The cache should have cleared by now then. Can you get a screenshot of the error page? Would be best to confirm the issue before proposing solutions
Strange too because a plugin technician was able to access this temp site
If it’s 404 I don’t believe it is an IP issue, the IP issue would result in 403
This is their last comment We still can’t login to your staging site’s WordPress Admin. It’s returning a 404 page not found error. We need for you to fix that first so we could check what’s going on.
Can you get a screenshot of the error page sent to help@blacknight.com?
I will ask them- may take a while for them to reply but I will send it on

Hello @fastnetwebs,

Thanks for updating the thread. :slight_smile:

Another support staff here. I tried logging into the WordPress admin section and I am also not able to login. Sharing the screenshot in secure note.

Unfortunately, we are not allowed to communicate outside Apex forum. In that regards we won’t be able to send screenshot from our end to the email address you have shared. However, I can upload the screenshot to Dropbox and share the URL over here that you can share with them.


Thank you. The hosts have confirmed that they have fixed the issue and you should be able to log in now. B


Regretfully, I am still getting a redirect loop.

Please contact your host again.
