Where do i validate my cornerstone?

I keep clicking the “Once you have a purchase code you can enter it in the input at the top of this page” link and it does nothing. Please help!

Hi Robert,

Thank you for reaching out. If you’ve validated X then you don’t need to validate the cornerstone again as it comes with the theme. Please make sure X is validated correctly (please see https://theme.co/apex/forum/t/setup-product-validation/55)

If all seems good then you can delete the Cornerstone plugin from the Plugins page and then head over to X > Validation page and you’ll see a notice for installing and activating Cornerstone plugin, click on it to do so (see sceenshot)

Let us know how this goes!

I enter my X code and then the screen goes white. Can we hire someone there to do this for us? its been a few months now and we’ve gotten nowhere.

Hello Robert,

Thanks for updating the thread. :slight_smile:

I checked the licence manager and can see that you have two X Theme licence. I checked both the websites that’s listed and I would like to share few things which I think are causing the issue.

  1. Website 1 (URL in secure note): Over here I see that you are using X Theme 6.3.8 and Cornerstone 3.5.4. If you are trying to validate this website then I suggest you to first update X Theme and Cornerstone to latest version i.e X Theme 6.5.6 and Cornerstone 3.5.5. You will have to update the same manually. Please refer our theme update guide and in that scroll down to manual update section.
  2. Website 2 (URL in secure note): Over here also I see that you are using fairly old version of Cornerstone 1.3.0. Please update Cornerstone to latest version 3.5.5 manually.

Before validating it’s vital to use latest version of X Theme and Cornerstone to avoid any compatibility issues. So depending upon which website you are trying to validate, please manually update X Theme and Cornerstone and then try to validate.


I can’t seem to find where to update these. Are you sure I can’t pay you to help us? We are a business in our busy season and none of us have time right now.

Hello Robert,

Thanks for updating the thread.

My recommendation would be to post the requirement on Themeco Apex Peer to Peer forum. I also suggest you to post the requirement in Facebook group. I am sure you will get good and positive response.

Please note that the ThemecoUsers Facebook group is not backed by Themeco and is a community driven initiative.


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