Video background on Iphone (resolved)

Hi there ! Sorry for my English is not my native language.

I just saw after the pro update that video on background (sections) are now working on Android !
This is great but they are not working on Iphone.

I think it need to have the “playsinline” attribute on the video tag not present, but event with Jquerry i can’t add it.

Any idea how to make this work on iphone too ?

Thanks !

I found a solution but its not perfect since it will be deleted if pro get an update :

I edited the file : pro/cornerstone/includes/shortcodes/video-player.php

And edited line 159 :

$video = "<video class=\"x-mejs has-stack-styles{$advanced_controls}{$legacy}\"{$poster_attr}{$preload}{$autoplay}{$loop}{$muted}{$playsinline}>{$sources}</video>";

i added the $playsinline variable before :

$playsinline = ' playsinline' : '';

Its working fine on Iphone now, maybe adding this to a future release ? that would be great.

Hello @popoche,

Thanks for writing in! Because what you are trying to accomplish requires a template customization, we would highly to suggest that you use a child theme. This allows you to make code changes that won’t be overwritten when an X update is released.

After the child theme is set up, please add the following code in your child theme’s functions.php file

// Custom Video Player
// =============================================================================

function custom_x_shortcode_video_player( $atts ) {
  extract( shortcode_atts( array(
    'id'                => '',
    'class'             => '',
    'style'             => '',
    'type'              => '',
    'src'               => '',
    'poster'            => '',
    'preload'           => '',
    'advanced_controls' => '',
    'hide_controls'     => '',
    'autoplay'          => '',
    'loop'              => '',
    'muted'             => '',
    'no_container'      => '',
    'm4v'               => '',
    'ogv'               => ''
  ), $atts, 'x_video_player' ) );

  $id    = ( $id    != '' ) ? 'id="' . esc_attr( $id ) . '"' : '';
  $class = ( $class != '' ) ? 'x-video player ' . esc_attr( $class ) : 'x-video player';
  $style = ( $style != '' ) ? 'style="' . $style . '"' : '';
  switch ( $type ) {
    case '5:3' :
      $type = ' five-by-three';
    case '5:4' :
      $type = ' five-by-four';
    case '4:3' :
      $type = ' four-by-three';
    case '3:2' :
      $type = ' three-by-two';
    default :
      $type = '';
  $src               = ( $src               != ''     ) ? explode( '|', $src ) : array();
  $poster            = ( $poster            != ''     ) ? $poster : '';
  $preload           = ( $preload           != ''     ) ? ' preload="' . $preload . '"' : ' preload="metadata"';
  $advanced_controls = ( $advanced_controls == 'true' ) ? ' advanced-controls' : '';
  $hide_controls     = ( $hide_controls     == 'true' ) ? ' hide-controls' : '';
  $autoplay          = ( $autoplay          == 'true' ) ? ' autoplay' : '';
  $loop              = ( $loop              == 'true' ) ? ' loop' : '';
  $muted             = ( $muted             == 'true' ) ? ' muted' : '';
  $no_container      = ( $no_container      == 'true' ) ? '' : ' with-container';

  // Deprecated parameters.

  $m4v = ( $m4v != '' ) ? '<source src="' . $m4v . '" type="video/mp4">' : '';
  $ogv = ( $ogv != '' ) ? '<source src="' . $ogv . '" type="video/ogg">' : '';

  // Variable markup.

  if ( is_numeric( $poster ) ) {
    $poster_info = wp_get_attachment_image_src( $poster, 'full' );
    $poster      = $poster_info[0];

  $is_bg             = ( strpos( $class, 'bg' ) !== false ) ? true : false;
  $inner_bg_class    = ( $is_bg ) ? ' transparent' : '';
  $bg_template_start = ( $is_bg ) ? '<script type="text/template">' : '';
  $bg_template_end   = ( $is_bg ) ? '</script>' : '';
  $poster_attr       = ( $poster != '' ) ? ' poster="' . $poster . '"' : '';
  $data              = cs_generate_data_attributes( 'x_mejs', array( 'poster' => $poster ) );

  // Enqueue scripts.

  wp_enqueue_script( 'mediaelement' );

  // Build sources.

  $sources = array();
  $vimeo   = '';
  $youtube = '';

  foreach( $src as $file ) {

    if ( preg_match( '#webm|mp4|ogv#', $file ) ) {
      $is_vimeo   = false;
      $is_youtube = false;
    } else {
      $is_vimeo   = preg_match( '#^https?://(.+\.)?vimeo\.com/.*#', $file );
      $is_youtube = preg_match( '#^https?://(?:www\.)?(?:youtube\.com/watch|youtu\.be/)#', $file );

    if ( $is_vimeo ) {
      $mime  = array( 'type' => 'video/vimeo' );
      $vimeo = ' vimeo';
      wp_enqueue_script( 'mediaelement-vimeo' );
    } else if ( $is_youtube ) {
      $mime    = array( 'type' => 'video/youtube' );
      $youtube = ' youtube';
    } else {
      $parts  = parse_url( $file );
      $scheme = isset( $parts['scheme'] ) ? $parts['scheme'] . '://' : '//';
      $host   = isset( $parts['host'] ) ? $parts['host'] : '';
      $path   = isset( $parts['path'] ) ? $parts['path'] : '';
      $clean  = $scheme . $host . $path;
      $mime   = wp_check_filetype( $clean, wp_get_mime_types() );

    $sources[] = '<source src="' . esc_url( $file ) . '" type="' . $mime['type'] . '">';


  if ( $m4v != '' ) {
    $sources[] = $m4v;

  if ( $ogv != '' ) {
    $sources[] = $ogv;

  // Legacy.

  GLOBAL $wp_version;

  $legacy = ( version_compare( '4.9', $wp_version, '>' ) ) ? ' x-mejs-legacy-compat' : '';

  // Markup.

  if ( ! empty( $sources ) ) {

    $sources = implode( '', $sources );
    $video = "<video class=\"x-mejs has-stack-styles{$advanced_controls}{$legacy}\"{$poster_attr}{$preload}{$autoplay}{$loop}{$muted}>{$sources}</video>";

  } else {
    $video = '<span class="x-mejs-no-source">' . csi18n('') . '</span>';

  $output = "<div {$id} class=\"{$class}{$hide_controls}{$autoplay}{$loop}{$muted}{$playsinline}{$no_container}{$vimeo}{$youtube}\" {$data} {$style}>"
            . $bg_template_start
              . "<div class=\"x-video-inner{$type}{$inner_bg_class}\">{$video}</div>"
            . $bg_template_end
          . '</div>';

  return $output;

add_filter('wp_head', 'my_custom_video_player');
function my_custom_video_player() {
  remove_shortcode( 'x_video_player' );  
  add_shortcode( 'x_video_player', 'custom_x_shortcode_video_player' );
// =============================================================================

This should make sure that your modifications will not be overwritten when there is a Pro theme updates.

Thanks ! Worked like a charm, i didn’t know i could remove the shortcode like that and override it with my own.
Awesome !

Hey @popoche ,

You’re welcome! We are just glad we were able to help you out.
We really appreciate for letting us know that it has worked for you.


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