Use new quote element in template

Hi there,

today I saw that the Classic Quote Element isn’t available anymore so I used the new one.
I read the following documentation on the element:

I don’t see the MARKS SETUP within the options of the element. I’m using a page template which contains classic rows and classic elements. Are those options missing because you can’t combine classic elements with the new ones?

Best Regards,

Hello Christian,

Thanks for writing in!

Please be informed that you can mixed the classic elements with the new elements. The Mark setup in Quotes element has it’s own tab in the element settings. It is in Quotes > Mark tab.

And though the classic element is gone in the list of elements within the Cornerstone, the classic pull quote shortcodes ( will still work.

Hope this helps.

Hi there,

thank you for your reply and sorry for my late answer.
When I look into my element I don’t see the mentionned tab (see screenshot)

Do you know what might be the problem?

Best, Christian

Hello Christian,

Thanks for updating the thread. :slight_smile:

You need to scroll to the right side in the Quote element header under Inspector panel to see the additional options. Here’s a screencast that you can take a look.


Hi there,

thanks you for the screencast but I’m afraid it doesn’t look like this in my Cornerstone. I’ll send you the credentials in a secure note and would be very happy if you could have a look at the specific post. :slight_smile:

Thank you in advance.

Best, Christian

Hello Christian,

You are not seeing some of the options because it is only available in Advanced Mode. To enable it, you will have to go to X > Settings > Permissions > User Preferences. I went ahead and enabled the option for you. You can now see those options in your Cornerstone Element inspector.

Please check your site now.

Hi there,

So sorry I thought they were already enabled. Now it works perfectly fine. Thank you very much for your help!

Have a nice day.

Best, Christian

You’re welcome!
We’re just glad we were able to help you out.

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