Transparent Fixed Menu to Colored/Link Color Change on Scroll


I tried several of the suggestions in the forum. I am able to get the background-color to change on scroll but not the actual menu links.

Here is the menu currently:

How do I do it so that the menu links also transition into another color on scroll?
I am using simple “transition” CSS.

Hi Nico,

You will have to write some custom CSS to do that. Please add this code to the bar’s (that contains the navigation inline element) Element CSS:

$el.x-bar.x-bar-fixed .x-bar-content .x-bar-container .x-menu-inline li a .x-anchor-text-primary {
    color: #000;

Please change the color in the code accordingly.

Hope this helps.

Hey Jade,

Unfortunately, this solution has not worked for me.
Any other suggestions? :slight_smile:

Hello Nico,

Please have css code updated and use this:

.x-bar.x-bar-fixed .x-bar-content .x-bar-container .x-menu-inline li a .x-anchor-text-primary {
    color: #000;

Kindly let us know if this works out for you.

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That worked!

Thank you!

You are most welcome!

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