Text only background color

Hello! How to make background color for the text only?

Hi There,

In the version 2 of text element, you can change the background color of the text.

It’s under Set Up > Background:

Please ensure you have turned on the Advanced Mode under X > Settings > User Preferences > Advanced Mode > Always On:

Hope it helps :slight_smile:

Thank you! But not only the text is highlighted. How to make background for text only. Is the secret in the size settings?

Hello Konstantin,

A way to do it would be to wrap the text in the text element in a span tag like:

<span>O .....</span>

Then add this code in the text element’s Element CSS:

$el span {
    background-color: red;
    display: inline-block;

Please set the background setting of the text element to white or transparent.

Hope this helps.

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