Slick.js - jQuery is not defined

There are a number of visual issues with one of our sites:

In the console we get this error:

VM13319 slick.js:25 Uncaught ReferenceError: jQuery is not defined
at VM13319 slick.js:25
at VM13319 slick.js:28

We can see that jQuery isn’t included before this script (and others that use jQuery) but we are not sure how to access the header file/if we should take it upon ourselves to add it in the header.

On a separate note: is there a way to change the email address associated with our account?

Please advise - thanks!

Hello @kaganwine,

Thanks for writing in!

I checked the website and can see the error message. However, the script is getting loaded from Github repository. Here’s the source URL

Are you using any tool that’s loading script from above URL. I Googled and can see that the kenwheeler Github page has bunch of jQuery scripts. Please note that issue coming from 3rd party scripts fall outside the scope of support we can offer.

Unfortunately, you can’t change the email address. Can you let me know the reason for changing the email address. If you want the licence to be associated with new email address then please follow along:

  1. You can unlock the license from this account. After that create a new account using new email address and register the licence in that account.

Please take a look at following resource for more information:


Hi there,

Thanks for your reply!

Honestly, we thought that the script was included by the theme or a plugin, since it’s for a slider component that we don’t see a plugin installed for (and the slider on the home page has the class x-flexslider). But we have not gone through every plugin to see if it includes slick.js as a dependency. Before we do that: is it possible that slick.js is being included by the theme or a plugin/extension that is sourced through

Thanks for the info!

Hello There,

No, it is not use by the theme. The theme will not use a library and then reference it outside. It will be a source of incompatibility issue if an outside library file was updated and also it is not good for security reason. Please check if it’s a plugin. Hope this helps.

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