Site Icon/Topbar questions

I have set the .png files for the site icon. Not seeing where to set .ico file.

Also, there are two different places to set layot/design/settings/etc. This is really confusing. One is under Appearance>Customize, and the other (I think) is when you click Theme Options.

Also, where can I set the color & text color for topbar?

Hello @ABWosp,

Thanks for asking. :slight_smile:

  1. You can set the icons from X > Theme Options > Site Icons.
  2. Please don’t use customiser. X Theme has it’s own Theme Panel that can be accessed from X > Theme Options.
  3. You can add following CSS under X > Theme Options > CSS to change the text color and background color of topbar"
.x-topbar .p-info {
    color: #fff;

.x-topbar {
    background-color: #ddd;


I placed the .png file under X>Theme Options>Site Icons before writing, and it doesn’t show up. I don’t see anywhere to add an .ico image.

The code provided for topbar worked like a charm…thanks, Prasant!


Is there a way to change the (social media) icon colors in the topbar?

Hi there,

Please go to Media > Library and upload your ICO image there. Then click on the image and copy the URL of the image:

After that please go to X > Theme Options > Site Icons > FavIcon and paste the URL there:

To make sure that we are on the same page, the theme options section you are talking about will change the icon of the top of the browser tab:

If you still have problems kindly get back to us with the result of the steps above and URL/User/Pass of your WordPress dashboard using the Secure Note functionality of the post to follow up the case.

Kindly open up new threads for additional questions as it will help us to focus on each issue and give you a better support which you deserve. Having a long threads makes the maintaining job harder and also it will be harder for the other customers to find the correct information if they have similar issues. You are always welcomed to reply to this thread to follow up the same question.

Thank you for your understanding.

Sending a secure reply, as it is not working…thanks!

Hi There,

The favicon is showing on my end:

Upon checking your website I could see that you’re using the cache plugin.

Please purge all the cache and try again.


Excellent, Thai! Thank you!


I purged the caches and still cannot see it… :frowning:

Hi There,

Could you please take a look at this article:

Let us know how it goes!

There are several “solutions” on that thread, with several saying the upvoted one doesn’t work. Which should I use?

Hi There,

Your new icon shows up on my end too, more likely this is a caching issue.

Try opening your favicon URL directly on your browser first, and see if that shows the right icon on your end.

If that did not work, navigate to Theme Options > Site Icons and update the favicon path to this:

Hope it helps,

I see it on that URL, but not as a favicon…just as a picture on that page

Hi There,

I see the issue now, so your site is showing 2 different favicon. This one is what you see on the front-end

And this one is what you see in the admin dashboard.

Do you remember where did you set this favicon? Was it in a 3rd party plugin settings? in your child theme customization? Or did you upload this favicon on the root directory of your WordPress site installation? Please remember where did you set this and remove it.

And please CLEAR and DEACTIVATE all your caching and optimizer plugins (A2 Optimized WP, A2 Fixed W3 Total Cache, Jetpack, Sucuri Security) while we are troubleshooting this.


I set it according to the directions given by staff above:


Hi M,

Something weird is preventing loading the faviocn in admin pages, I’ve installed this plugin then cleared memcache and I can see the favicon is loading fine on admin pages now.


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Thank you!

You are welcome :slight_smile:

I still don’t see it on the admin side, but I do see it loading on the client public-facing side, and that’s all I care about :slight_smile:

Hi There,

Looks like clearing your caching plugins resolves the issue.

Please clear your browser’s cache on your end.

But I do still see the blue favicon on a non-theme page (like the login page), so I still think that you set this blue icon somewhere (refer to my previous reply), obviously not on the X > Theme Options > Site Icons > Favicon as you already have the new favicon set in there.


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