Remove date and change link on one specific post in Stack Icon

is it possible to remove date and change link on one specific post in Stack Icon.
I need the date on all my other posts. And can i change bakground color on that specifc post to?


Hey @olahollsten,

Out of the box, that is not possible. But, we would need to see if it’s possible using simple custom CSS and JS. With that said, please give us the URL where you’d like this change to happen.

Regarding just the link, one method you can do is redirect the post. You can check out this guide


Thanks for quick reply. If I have understood your answer, the simplest is to redirect the specific entry to another desired page. Can you change the color of a specific item see the attached link:

Depending on the type of post, these will be in the default colors, it is desirable to be able to change only one item in a certain type of post.


To change the background color and remove the date, please add this code in Theme Options > CSS. Change 30120 with your post ID. You can get your post ID by following this guide:

.blog .post-30120 .p-meta .entry-date {

.blog .post-30120 .entry-wrap {
    background-color: gold !important

In case you’re not aware, the background color is taken from the post format setting in Theme Options > Icon.

The code below is the jQuery method for changing the link. If you’re going to use it, it should be added in Theme Options > JS.

jQuery('.blog .post-30120 .entry-title a').attr('href', '');

Just note that issues that might arise from the use of custom code and any enhancements are not covered in our product support. For that, you’d need to consult with a third party developer.

Hope that helps.

Thanks for quick help. Have a lovely day.

One more thing, can I choose not to expose certain categories of items on the home page but only to a special page for that category?
I want a catagory to appear on a subpage not the start page.

Excluding categories is not a feature offered our themes. You could try following this guide:


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