Re-Validate X to new site Fails

Hi I changed my website domain. I changed the URL in the Apex Manage Your licences.
But the site remains unlicensed. I tried putting the purchase code in again and tried unlocking and relocking.
I just get a white screen.

Hey @justinc777,

I checked your licenses and assigned sites and your site is assigned correctly.

Entering the license code during Product Validation and getting a white screen usually means there’s a problem with your host. What you must do first is follow our Troubleshooting - Validation Connection Issues guide then try validating X again.

If that does not help, enable WordPress debugging by setting WP_DEBUG to true in your wp-config.php. What it will do is it will display an error message pointing out to the possible cause of the issue. In case you don’t want a message to come out of your site (which is recommended if your site’s already live), please follow the Example wp-config.php for Debugging at

Next, post the errors generated in a secure note.


Hi Christian. I can get into the validation page no problem. /wp-admin/admin.php?page=x-addons-home
It says you are almost finished. In textbox it says enter code and hit return. If I do that it goes to a white page. I set my WP_DEBUG true and it is still blank. No error shown in the browser developer tools. Could it be the ssl is stopping the site from validating?

Hi There @justinc777

The issue seems to be that is because you’re using an older version of Cornerstone plugin, so that our validation process will not be initiated correctly.

Try deleting your Cornerstone plugin by head over to WordPress plugins section, then head over to X -> Validation section and wait for few seconds to install the latest version of Cornerstone plugin automatically. Then try to re-validate your site.

If you’re still experiencing this issue, provide us with your WordPress login credentials in a secure note to check your issue further.


Totally fixed it. Thanks for the help, much appreciated.

you are most welcome!

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