Product slider shortcode

Te slider created on this page is a woocommerce one however I can’t see where to enter the shortcode so the slider so it shows up on my homepage and at the top of the shop?


Hi there,

Please login through FTP then try adding this code in the wp-content/themes/x-childfunctions.php file of the child theme:

function add_slider() {
 if ( is_shop() || is_front_page()() ) {
  echo do_shortcode('[the-shortcode]');

Please replace [the-shortcode] with the appropriate shortcode you are using.

Hope this helps.

Thanks so i download the x child theme first, then upload to wordpress, then update the functions.php file of that child theme?

Am i not already using a child theme for this page ?


Hi Amin,

Upon checking your site, I see that you don’t have any active child theme yet. Please refer to our child theme setup guide here ( install the child theme and activate it.

Then you can add the above code into your child theme’s functions.php file (/wp-content/themes/x-child/functions.php).

Hope that helps.

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