Pro wp content based slider

hello using pro to build a clients site and I want to use rev slider to display content I can do this only if i build the page without pro. is there a way for me to allow rev slider to get the text from pages ? or do I have to settle for not being able to edit the pages with pro ?

to sum up want a slider to display the content from posts. these posts will be testimonials at the moment I can do this only if i dont edit the page with pro. I know I will have clients that will want to rotate content from posts so I would love to see if there is a better way.

Hi there,

Actually, I have never tested the case with Revolution Slider to have the content of a post which is created with the Pro Editor. That is why I am not sure how to proceed, I suggest that you follow the steps mentioned in the article below and see if it works with a post that you used the Pro to create:

Thank you.

hello yep set up as said in the tutorial excerpt doesn’t work and content shows an image of a bg from another page. I thought you use an excerpt in another module. Is there an additional code needed to get this feature working with pro ?

Hi there,

Unfortunately we do not have any idea why this might not work as we do not have such a feature in mind while coding the Pro. But it can be a cool feature to add so I will add this as a Feature Request in or issue tracker.

I wonder if you tested the {{id}} for the post instead of the content or excerpt:

You can find the id of a post like this:

Thank you.

hello, I have been able to pull content into blocks so you have the coding all ready to do this I just need to know what to tell revolution slider to pull content like that. I refer to classic recent posts as an example you can pull an excerpt or content into the block.

Hi there,

I honestly don’t know if this works. My suggestion was to embed the whole content inside the Revolution Slider but I doubt it will work.

I am afraid you will need to fall back to simple pages without the builder capability if you want to have sliders like that, or you simply can use the Revolution Slider itself to create the columns that you want from the builder:

Thank you.

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