Pro, Editor, WP Hook, Save Page

Hey guys,

I have a question: I use on many sites, in my opinion, the best caching plugin “borlabs cache”. But it does not work very well with Pro cause the cache does not get refreshed by itself. So I asked the developer of borlabs cache and he told me, that borlabs cache refresh the cache every time the standard wordpress hook “save_post” is called. The problem now is that Pro does NOT use this standard hook when I click on SAVE.
Can you explain me why you dont use the standard hook?



Hi Robert,

Thanks for writing in! All the actions of the Cornerstone are saved as meta options inside the options table. You can review the following article to get an idea (

With regard to your original caching issue, usually you will need to purge your server cache when you need to test changes of your site.



you did not understand. The plugin “borlabs cache” refreshes the cache my itself if the standard wordpress hook “save_post” is called. Pro does NOT call this hook so I have to refresh the cache manually. With every other theme it works like a charm but not with Pro. Could to ask a developer please why Pro does not use standard wordpress hook?



Hey Robert,

Sorry for the confusion. I’m not sure why but maybe because it is not needed since you can write directly to the database. I might be wrong so I will post this case in our issue tracker so our development team would be made aware once they go through the list of reports.

We kindly ask for your patience while this undergoes the reporting process.


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