Plug-In Recommendation


Can you recommend a plug-in that allows a visitor to enter numerical values into a box and the plug-in outputs a result? For example, a visitor enters 1 + 2 + 3 into 3 boxes and the plug-in automatically (or manually by the user clicking “calc”) outputs 6.


Hi There,

I think what you are looking for are a kind of captcha plugin. Check this please for options that suits your needs. Note that we don’t officially recommend any of those plugin. You may check in with the developer for the any guidance. Hope this helps.


Thanks for the response.

No, I’m looking for a spreadsheet type plug-in where the visitor answers a series of question (ie. how much do you spend on food, how much do you spend on rent, etc) and then enters the answers into a cell where the plug-in totals the amount.


Hello Marshall,

Thanks for updating the thread.

I think you can take a look at Estimation & Payment Forms plugin that comes bundled with Pro Theme and can be installed from Pro > Validation > Extensions.

For more information, please refer following post:


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