Phone link color on mobile

Hello! maybe is a silly question for you guys jejeje

Hope you can help me. I need to put the color link of a Phone text just in the mobile in white,
Originaly is white, but when you put the mobile , become that text in a link to make the call,

This is the section for you can see it:


Hi Shaiads,

Thank you for writing in, but your navbar already has a white background? If you make that phone number white then it won’t be visible. Anyways here’s a custom CSS code to change the phone number color. Add that to Theme Options > CSS

@media (max-width: 979px) {
	 .x-navbar .mobile .x-nav a {
		color: tomato;

I saw that you have this on your Theme Options > CSS



Please remove that or else the custom CSS I provided will not work. Use the Google Analytics Extension for adding that code instead.


Thabks a lot!!! Regards

You’re welcome, let us know how it goes,


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