Page Titles and Woocommerce Edits

Good morning,

There are a couple issues on my client’s site I need assistance with:

  1. There is CSS and JS in place for the page titles on and These page titles (and others) are supposed to shrink on mobile in order to fit the top of the page, but are not. Furthermore, the page should have a different title - “Groundbreaking News.” I am not sure why the code isn’t working.

  2. Is there a reason product images on are not rendering as clearly as they should? If you click on a product you will notice the image is clearer.

  3. I added a WooCommerce extension for product comparison. After selecting some products, you can open them on Unfortunately that page hardly seems connected to the site. Is there away to make the results appear under the “Primary Navigation” header set up for most pages?

  4. Also on the page is an 'Add to Cart" button at the top and the bottom. Can the one at the top be completely removed? Can you tell me how to target the button at the bottom? I want to remove the shopping cart, change the font size, capitalize the text, and introduce 2.5 letter spacing

  5. Also on that page if you remove all products there is a button and text which appears. Can you tell me how to target that button too?

Thank you!

Hey J,

1. The CSS you added will really not shrink your text.

If you need your font to scale or shrink, you will need to follow the advice given in this thread.

2. In Customize > WooCommerce, try increasing the Thumbnail Width. For more details, please see

3. Please ask the plugin author if the page can be displayed through a shortcode. If not, you will need to ask them what template they are using. I can the body class is using the blog class but not sure how your plugin works.

For 4 and 5, please contact the third party plugin’s support for this because they are the ones who know the inner workings of the plugin. Also, we do not have support for third party plugins.

One tip I can give for number 5 is, you can get any element’s selector by following this guide.


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