Page numbers to list of recent blog entries

Hi! How do I add page numbers to scroll through the list of all current blog entries?

It’s only showing the 10 most recent on the page, which is fine, but I’d like to have the option to click through to page two to see more. I know it’s already in the Category Archive but I’d like to add it to the default pages, as well.

Thanks in advance!

Hi There,

Please turn off the Filterable Index of the blog option:


That turns off the excerpt and list format and convert everything to cards. I’d like to keep the current layout but have some page numbers for the “*ALL” category.

Just like how this page does it:

One consideration is that I’ve defaulted the list below the slider on the parent News page to “*ALL.” I did this because I couldn’t get this list to just display the most recent posts. Rather, all I could get it to do was display the most recent posts from the category that appears first alphabetically in the Filterable Index.

So is there a way to get that list to display the mosts recent posts, even if they don’t have a category or if they fall under a category that isn’t the first alphabetically in the list?

If not, I’d just like to add page numbers to the bototm of this list under the “*ALL” category. Thanks!

Hi There,

Please do check this article:

The code for that can be found here:

As you can see the way it was structured is like this:
We used get_categories() function to query for the categories first, then inside that query is another query for the post that belong to that certain category. That means the post is connected to categories.

Paging is part of the normal blog layout. Filterable index function on Ethos bypass the paging function. Adding pagination together with filterable index feature is unfortunately possible with customization only.

Those 2 functions that you are trying to achieve is part of the normal blog post style. It is either filterable function or normal blog post display.

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