Moving site to Wordpress multisite gives update problem

I am moving my site from a Wordpress single site installation to Wordpress multisite. However it seems theme and cornerstone no longer gets a link to be updated even though the x page shows there is a new version available? Site its validated.

Hi There,

Thanks for writing in!

Please check your Network admin of the Multisite installation for update the theme and cornerstone.
Theme and cornerstone can’t be updated through individual site admin.
Hope this is something you are looking for.

If that doesn’t help please send us your login details via secure note so that we can have a look.


If I don’t have “Network enabled” on plugin/theme I get:

Your plugins are all up to date.

Your themes are all up to date.

If I turn on “Network enabled” for both plugin and theme I get that there is an update available for the plugin but not for theme. When I try to update I get:

Updating Plugin Cornerstone (1/1)
An error occurred while updating Cornerstone: Update package not available.

Hi Max,

I recommend updating your X theme and cornerstone and other plugins when in multi site setup. This is because update is only achievable if the theme and cornerstone is running or active, and the theme and cornerstone aren’t running on the network admin where updates are only possible.

In multi site, there is admin and network admin and theme and cornerstone is usually active on just admin. And you can only perform updates within network admin in a multi site setup.


Not sure I follow. I was in network admin in my latest post and logged in as superadmin. Should I try something else?

Hello Max,

Thanks for updating in! I would recommend that you update the Theme and Cornerstone in your multisite set up manually. The version installed may have a bug specific to multisite set up which is why it is better to update it manually. Please check out “Manual Updates” section in this knowledge base article:

We also have reported this to our developers so that they can investigate this issue further.

Thank you for your understanding.

Thanks that worked fine!
Is this bug fixed in 6.3.8 or will it be fixed in a future version?

Hi Max,

This hasn’t been fix yet in the latest version. It is still in our issue tracker queue and will be fix soon.
Kindly monitor our changelog to check if this issue has been fixed


Ok, thanks

Have a good day :slight_smile:

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