Membership site link

We are about to launch a membership site on Memberium and host it on another site. I need to put a “Member Log In” Link up in our top menu to the left or right of our social media icons, and then hyperlink it to open to our new member site. How can I do that?

Hi there,

This is a customization request which is outside of our support scope, that is why we can not implement the functionality for you but we can help you out do it yourself.

The Social Media function is available in wp-content/themes/x/framework/functions/global/social.php.

You need to add the Child Theme and inside the functions.php file add the code you see on social.php there.

In the code which you posted there to add this code:

$output .= '<a href="LINK TO THE MEMBERSHIP WEBSITE" title="MEMBERSHIP" target="_blank">Membership</a>';

Substitute the memberships related texts to the ones you want to add.

That should do the trick for you.

Oh - okay thank you. If I edit the child theme though, won’t we lose that edit, every time we run theme updates?

I thought X theme came with a membership site option & a log in for that out of the box? I saw one before we purchased it.

Hi there,

The customizations done through the child theme should remain intact after doing an update.

X theme supports BuddyPress which is a plugin for membership and BBPress as well.