Location wp-header

I am trying to incorporate analytics into my site. It seems that the Tracking ID code snippet from Google Analytics needs to be placed into the header.php file. I already have a child theme. I am using Ethos.
Previous support links say to copy the wp-header.php file from X\framework\views\ethos\wp-header.php and paste it inside the child theme directory at x-child\framework\views\ethos. There is no header file at either location. Can you please explain where the file is located and instructions to accomplish this.

Hey @johnhansen033,

We’re very sorry for the misinformation. You don’t have to modify any template because we have a Google Analytics extension. You just need to install it and paste your analytics code. Please visit the link for more details.


I appreciate your response but I do not believe in using plugins unless absolutely necessary. I would like your instructions to implement this request through the file structure. Using plugins does nothing to improve my knowledge to what is going on in the software. I await your response.


You can create file _header.php in wp-content\themes\x-child\framework\legacy\cranium\headers\views\global and add you code in there.

Hope that helps.

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