Lightbox on page open

Hello I am trying to get the lightbox to open as I load my homepage…

this is a continuation of the idea set out at the bottom of this page. I must have messed up with my lightbox because I can’t get it to work:( But after I get it working how could I go about getting it to open as homepage opens rather than on click?

Thanks in advance!

Hello @Oasis,

Thanks for asking. :slight_smile:

I suggest you to take a look at Convertplug extension. You can refer follwoing tutorial to learn more on designig lightbox content using Convertplug extension.


Thanks Prasant - I have tried using it, but there are too many styling restraints to allow me to do what I want which is why I wanted to go this route?

Is it possible to do it my way or will it bring up other issues?

I appreciate your help and advice

Hi There,

Thanks for writing in!

We are not exactly sure how you have added the light box. We would encourage you to use convertPlus for better result and customization. If you are using custom code for the light box we are really sorry but this is some thing out of our theme support scope.
How ever if you will provide us more details like website URL or the page URL where you have added the light box and the process you have added it and your logins details in a secure note so that we can have a look.


Thanks Basanta please find website details below

Hey @Oasis,

I don’t see the lightbox in your site. How did you add it? How can it be accessed?


on the home page above the rev slider click the word ‘splash’

that should give you access - except I haven’t done it correctly so it just forwards to the page

I see. You’re trying to load another page in a lightbox that opens automatically upon page load? Regretfully, there is no feature for this other than what is available in ConvertPlus. Otherwise, achieving what you need would require custom development which is outside the scope of our support service. You will need to hire a third party developer for this.

Thank you for understanding.

OK Thanks Christian.

I’ve almost done it myself - I got the lightbox working and I think I’m close with the code… can you check it over? If thats outside your scope, then no worries.

I’m trying to target the image box at the centre of the page above rev slider

jQuery( document ).on ( 'click', '.toggle_image', function( e ) {


jQuery('.home .el4.x-image').trigger('click');

} );

Hi there,

Try override the lightbox size through a custom CSS code like this:

.ilightbox-holder div.ilightbox-container {
    max-width: 644px;
    max-height: 363px;

   top: 70px !important;

Hope this helps.

Hi Jade - thanks for trying to help me.

I was trying to get the lightbox to open upon loading page automatically so I don’t know if I need the CSS or if it can be done through javascript?

Hi there,

Unfortunately that an option that is not available out of the box which goes beyond the scope of our support to implement. You will have to further edit the JS code that you currently have or you might want to check out ConvertPlug plugin which should easily accomplish what you are trying to do.

Hope this helps.

Thanks Jade - can you please help me then to get the ConvertPlug plugin to look the way I need it to look? I can’t get it to look the way I want - which should be pretty simple…
I want it to look like this:

Hi Oasis,

I think your close on making that code you put above to work.

Try this code. Add it in X > Launch > Options > JS

   setTimeout(function() {
    }, 5000);

Hope that helps.

That is great! Thankyou - works perfectly! :ok_hand:

Is there any way to make it appear quicker? if not that’s OK - I appreciate your help :smiley:

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Hi There,

You can adjust the number in there, it is an integer indicating the number of milliseconds to delay execution. This is to insure that the site is fully loaded before loading the lightbox. Currently it is 5000 which is (5 seconds). Try to make it 3000 or 1000.

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Thanks albrechtx - that’s it working perfectly at a nice speed!

Glad to hear that, Cheers!

I have 3 links in my lightbox - how can I make it so that the links do not open with the lightbox but in the normal browser window?

The way it currently works is that the link opens within the lightbox, which is not desirable.

I tried the ‘open in a new window’ option but that didn’t work

Hi there,

Do you mean you want the image links to be opened in a new tab instead?

If so, you can simply enable the New Tab option of the image link in the image element setting.

Hope this helps.