Installing Child Theme Changes The Styling

Hi all,

I’m looking at adding a child theme to a site we’re developing. However, when I add the child theme it changes the style of the header area (I think the footer too, and potentially more things).

I have made no changes to the child theme or the parent theme. I’ve updated them both. I’ve un-installed and then re-installed the child theme once to make sure. If I deactivate the child theme it returns to normal. See the following two screenshots…


Any ideas what’s going on here?



Hey Andy,

It looks like your child theme is corrupted. Please backup your site and delete your child theme. Then, download X child theme from here and install and use it.

If that does not help, please give us WP admin and FTP access in a Secure Note.


Hi Christian,

Could you provide your email address then I can add you as a collaborator to our Flywheel hosting. This will give you FTP access and WP admin access as well.



I forgot to mention that I have tried re-downloading and installing the child theme but that didn’t work. I wondered whether it was corrupted as the first download took especially long. I have tried three different downloaded files, but no luck.

Hi Andy,

Kindly use an temporary email to create the temporary user account as we do not have any specific email for user logins.

Once you’re able to provide us access, we can check on your site.

Thank you.

OK. I’ve created a couple of account for you. See the secure note. There’s one for WP admin access and one for FTP.

Hi There @Redback

I have moved your custom CSS under Appearance -> Customize -> Additional CSS to X -> Theme Options -> Global CSS area and cleared style cache through X -> Settings area. Now your child theme is functioning properly.

Hope that helps.

Thank you. That’s great.

You’re welcome. Glad we could help.

Hi guys,

I’m having some issues again.

When I add in a couple of files into the child theme folder, it removes the header and footer of the site. I’ve added a tiny bit of extra code into the body tag in the header file. And I’ve added a JS link in the footer file.

Can you see what I’m doing wrong?

The two files I’ve altered are the two base.php files in the header and footer folders. See screenshot…

I’ve also double checked where the CSS is and cleared the style cache.



Hi guys,

There also seems to be something odd going on with Cornerstone and the options I have. For example I don’t seem to be able to add any padding anymore on a section. See the screenshot here – the left column is the Inn On The Coast site. The right column is another site that also uses a child theme.


I can replicate this issue on my end. I’ve already added this issue to our list.

Please enable the Advanced Mode option under X > Settings > User Preferences:


Thanks for getting back to me. I figured out the second point but thanks for clarifying.

When do you image the first point will be fixed? Hours? Days? Weeks? Months?

Hey @Redback,

We’re not sure if this is a bug until our development team provides a feedback. We also generally could not give an estimate as issues vary in complexity and there are other items in the list that needs to be prioritized.

It is not recommended to copy or add code to the base template though. If you need to add code to the head and footer, please use WordPress and/or X hooks. Please see this guide for WordPress hooks. And, see this guide for X hooks.


Thanks @christian_y for your reply. I’ll take a look at those items.

Isn’t the point of a child theme so you can edit the code? But I will certainly take a look at those two links you sent through. Thanks.

Hello @Redback,

You are encouraged to add the code in child theme. Tutorial that my colleague @christian_y has shared (sharing below) uses codes that we encourage your to add in child theme function.php file. The reason why @christian_y shared the other link wherein tutorial shows you making changes using plugin is because not every one is proficient in programming. It’s good to give customers options and depending on there comfort they have the option to go with custom code or plugin route.

Regarding the error message, it’s a confirm bug that our developers will take a look.


Thanks for clarifying that @Prasant

You are welcome :slight_smile:

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