Inherited Fonts Unavailable in Visual Editor for PRO?

Hi team, would you kindly point me in the correct direction to do the following:
I want to declare font-weights in the Global CSS section of Cornerstone so it can be used by the Text Element (& other Elements).

I’ve searched the forum trying find a way to set a default font weight in body or p tags via css that can be inherited by Text Elements. According to several threads I’ve read, it seems this is not currently possible. If my interpretation is accurate, then it would seem that using Cornerstone removes a core Use-Case of Wordpress.

I understand that if I use the Content Element, it will inherit CSS correctly. However, the Content Element does not contain a Visual editor (WYSIWYG). Wordpress provides Visual Editors which allows content to inherit CSS when the page is published. This allow inexperienced users to edit content without knowledge of HTML/CSS.

This is a standard use-case when using the Visual (WYSIWYG) text editor of Wordpress and with other visual text editors. See image below:

According to the following thread, it was stated that it is not possible to use the Text Element, which has a Visual editor, and be able to inherit the sites default font settings in the Global CSS.

The content element is the only one that we can use right now, but the user needs to write HTML. See below.

Is this correct?

Hello There,

Thanks for writing in! You are partly correct. The content area element only offers you to add text and html code. No rich text format support for this element.

If you use text element and classic text element, you will be able to have the rich text support.

Please check out this two elements in the content editor when you edit a post/page.

Hope this helps.

@RueNel many thanks for the quick reply. As mentioned above, I know the Text Element has similar Rich Text capabilities as the Visual Editor that comes with Wordpress, but it doesn’t inherit all the CSS font declarations.

So my question remains:

How can I set a Global CSS font-weight that is inherited by the Text Element?

The problem is that the font-weight declarations I put in the Cornerstone Global CSS section is NOT Inherited by the Text Element only with the Content Element.

So if we build 100 pages, we will have to go back and update the font settings in the Text Element of each page.

Hi There,

Thank you for the clarification, the thing is if you use Classic Text element before (or even now) it will automatically inherit the font and weight you set on the BODY FONT and BODY FONT-WEIGHT.

But with the new V2 elements, the workflow kind of change a little bit because of the Font Manager feature. (please read Kory’s detailed reply here on how it works.)

You can add this on Theme Options > CSS,

.x-text p {
	font-weight: bold !important;

Keep in mind that not all the fonts have all the weight available.

Hope it helps,

i hope it is ok if i chime in here as @cyberwisdom also referred to a thread of mine…
the thing is, that even when using the v2 text-element each text-element has to be set to a certain font-template. then changing that one template will change all the v2 text-elements.
it is not ideal i think and especially not clear when using them for the first time. my “classic” approach used to work with almost any design software i used up to now and also with the original x-theme.
pro has its own approach which is not clear by using it. the global theme settings suggest otherwise! i also wasted a lot! of time with this and other quirks…

Thanks for chiming in, Kai. We will realize the benefits when the Template Manager feature will be released.

thanks christian, reading between the lines that means that the v2 text element will still live it’s own strange life separated from the global font settings but will be managed more easily?

Hi there,

I think v2 element may have inherit-setting functions. I’m not fully sure though, but it’s already acknowledged on our feature requests list. With that, it may able to inherit the font settings from global font settings.


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