How to put a background color of a page

How to put a background color of a page(not using an image) for the area of the text and for the area outside of the content ( the text area ) not using visual composer neither cornerstone ? Thanks

Hi @Borislav.VD,

Thanks for writing in.

You mean changing the existing white background on that page? I’m not sure about the area of the text and outside the content. Please provide a mockup design :slight_smile:

And if it’s the white background, then please add this CSS to your global custom CSS with your preferred color.

.x-container.main:before {
    background-color: #fff;


Thank you @Rad ! I wish to put the color only on one of the IDs ( a specific page ) I attach a mockup . Which would be the css for the green area ( the content text area ) and for the background ( the non content area ) thanks

Hi again,

You can use the following code instead for a specific page:

.page-id-115 .x-container.main:before {
    background-color: #59efaa;

.page-id-115 {
    background-color: #59b7ef;

To find out page ID, please see

Hope this helps!

thanks it is working perfectly