How to input social media into cards

I used the card element for our team bios and I’d like to add social icons to it.

I’ve tried adding the following code for linkedin but nothing whatsoever shows up.
< i class=“x-icon x-icon-linkedin-square” aria-hidden=“true”> < /i >

Also how would I make that clickable so that it takes us to a linkedin account?

I’m planning on adding FB and Twitter also.

Hi There,

Thank you for writing in, you need to add the line of code below on your child theme’s functions.php file to use the fontAwesome classes.

add_filter( 'cornerstone_legacy_font_classes', '__return_true' );

Wrap your icon code with <a> tag so you can link it to your social media page.


<a href="linkedin URL HERE" target="_blank"><i class="x-icon x-icon-linkedin-square"></i></a>

You can refer here for the other social media icon classes.

Hope it helps,

Perfect, it worked like a charm! Thank you!

Glad it worked :slight_smile:
