Header icons for pages

How to use icons instead of labels in a header?

Hi There,

Thank you for writing in, you can use the sample codes below as your custom menu item’s Navigation Label (https://prnt.sc/67ufyv).

<i class="x-icon x-icon-facebook-square" data-x-icon-b="&#xf082;" ></i>

<i class="x-icon x-icon-instagram" data-x-icon-b="&#xf16d;" ></i>

<i class="x-icon x-icon-youtube-square" data-x-icon-b="&#xf166;" ></i>

<i class="x-icon x-icon-twitter-square" data-x-icon-b="&#xf081;" ></i>

<i class="x-icon x-icon-pinterest-square" data-x-icon-b="&#xf0d3;" ></i>

<i class="x-icon x-icon-plus-square" data-x-icon-b="&#xf0d4;" ></i>

<i class="x-icon x-icon-linkedin-square" data-x-icon-b="&#xf08c;" ></i>

<i class="x-icon x-icon-vimeo-square" data-x-icon-b="&#xf194;" ></i>

<i class="x-icon x-icon-tumblr-square" data-x-icon-b="&#xf174;" ></i>

<i class="x-icon x-icon-soundcloud" data-x-icon-b="&#xf1be;" ></i>

If you need other icons, please go here (http://fontawesome.io/icons/). Select the icon that you need, get the icon’s unicode and class name (https://prnt.sc/iys7ji)

Then supply it to the data-x-icon-b and class attribute respectively.

Keep in mind that we prefix our fontawesome class with x-icon- instead of the fontAwesome’s default fa-

Hope it helps,

I can not get this to work. If I copy, for example, the soundcloud code from your above tutorial, it works. Once I change the unicode and classname it no longer works. I even tried with identical copy from one of your examples above but as soon as I manually edit the code it will not work. Please advise.

Under services on my website I put the following code before “elevated branding photography” and “conscious copywriting”

The code is identical but when I manually enter it it won’t show but when I copy it from your example it works.


Hi There,

Try folow this :

Access: http://demo.theme.co/integrity-1/shortcodes/icons/

On your desired icon, click with the right button of your mouse and inspect it.

Copy the html code of the desired icon.

Hope it helps

Perfect, Thank you!

You’re most welcome!