How to create a banner

I was looking for how to do this, I found an old thread from 4 years ago. Figured its probably outdated, so i figured I would just ask. I want to create a banner below my menu bar but above the blog posts. Something similar to this.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you

Hello Brian,

Thanks for asking. :slight_smile:

Please take a look at following thread to display banner after navigation area:


Thanks for the quick response, I haven’t quite put up the banner yet. I’m having some trouble figuring out the proper image dimensions. What is the appropriate image dimesion I would need to completely fill out the banner top to bottom. I can tell it’s obviously going to be more of a rectangle, but unsure of the dimension. Thank you again!

Hello Brian,

Your image should be at least 1200x800 pixels or more so that you can use it as a background image for the slider.

Hope this helps.

Ok, I’m at the next fork in the road. I am trying to create a button in revolution slider, and I know how to make the button. The problem is I don’t know how to make it do the action I am requiring. I want the button to bring me to a different page url. Not as user friendly as I was hoping. Please help. Thanks again

Hello Brian,

To add a link to your button, please check out this documentation:

Hope this helps.

OKAY!!! The final FORK in the road I hope. I should have asked if this is even possible before I went through the trouble of creating this. Pretty much, I want this to ONLY APPEAR on blog past pages. Is there anyway to set this up so that I can have this banner on blog posts? Other than that, everything is good. Hope this is possible, thank you again.

Hello Brian,

By default, only the pages can have a slider above and below the masthead. If you want to add a slider in each of your blog post, you will need a custom code to do that. Since the child theme is set up, please add the following code in your child theme’s functions.php file

// Add custom slider below the masthead only for blog posts
// =============================================================================
function custom_content_below_masthead() { ?>
  <?php if ( is_single() ) : ?>
    <div class="custom-shortcode">
      <?php echo do_shortcode('[rev_slider alias="yourslider"]'); ?>
  <?php endif; ?>
<?php }
add_action('x_after_view_global__slider-below', 'custom_content_below_masthead');
// =============================================================================

Please do not forget to insert the correct slider shortcode from the code above and replace this [rev_slider alias="yourslider"] with your own slider shortcode.

We would loved to know if this has work for you. Thank you.

It worked out great! Thank you so much!

Glad it worked.


I spoke to soon, it looks great on a desktop, mobile display is off lol. Any way I might be able to fix this issue. Thanks again

Hi There,

Please do not embed the text and mobile image on the background image, make it there own layers. Then follow this responsive tutorial.

Hope it helps,

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