How Do I put the email section and tags section on the homepage as seen on Integrity demo?

Hey @SK_Parfait,

Those are Footer widgets. Please go to Appearance > Widgets and in put a Tag Cloud widget to Footer 3. The email part is powered by the Email Forms extension. Setup a form then add a Text widget to Footer 4. Insert the shortcode of the form to the text widget.


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Thank you, got it! Now, how to only apply this to the homepage?

Hi there,

You can not do that with the normal WordPress functionality. You can use the theme Sidebar feature, but it will work only for the Sidebars and not the footer region.

I suggest that you consider using 3rd party plugins such as:

Thank you.

Ok next question, why are the tags listed under the “Popular Topics” section in the footer different sizes? Some of the boxes containing the words tags are large and some small like in the example? How do you make them all uniform?


The more times a tag is used, the larger the tag is.

To make it all the same , you can add this in Theme Options > CSS

.widget_tag_cloud .tagcloud a, .widget_product_tag_cloud .tagcloud a {
    font-size: 13px !important;

Hope this helps

Perfect, that worked! Now, how to limit the long list of tags to display in my footer to just the top few? Is that possible? Thanks!


To limit the tags, you can add the code below in your child theme’s functions.php file

//Register tag cloud filter callback
add_filter('widget_tag_cloud_args', 'tag_widget_limit');
//Limit number of tags inside widget
function tag_widget_limit($args){
 //Check if taxonomy option inside widget is set to tags
 if(isset($args['taxonomy']) && $args['taxonomy'] == 'post_tag'){
  $args['number'] = 10; //Limit number of tags
 return $args;

Change 10 to any number you like.

Hope this helps

Thanks! Where does this need to be entered?

Hi there,

In your child theme’s functions.php :slight_smile:

And if you still don’t have a child theme installed, then please check this article.


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