How do I customize the top of my category page?


I wanted to know how I can customize the top my category pages:

want it more like the top of this:


Hello Sharon,

Thanks for writing in!

In X Theme the changes you are looking for will require custom development work which falls outside the scope of support we can offer.

If you are looking for a similar layout then I suggest you take a look at Pro Theme Header and Footer builder. Using header and footer builder you can easily design multi row navigation menu, headline element that has background image. Here’s a video that you can take a look at explore header and footer builder.


Is this only available for Pro and not regular X Theme?

Hi Sharon,

Yes. Footer and Header builder are available on Pro only.
X theme are using legacy header.

Is there a place to edit just the text then in regular X Theme (so it doesn’t say Category Archives in text)? No custom images and banners or anything

Hey Sharon,

To edit the Category Archive title, go to WordPress admin panel > Posts > Categories

Click on your category from the list to change it’s archive title and sub title:

Scroll down to find Archive Title and Archive Subtitle fields to override the default titles:

Hope this helps!

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