Hidden menu area

When viewing on the mobile, the menu appears, but I am unable to see the text on the left of the menu, as two letters are off the screen.



Hi @Moonworks,

Can you give us screenshot of the issue? I cannot see a missing text on the left of the menu on mobile. I can see the toggle burger menu is off on the right and there’s space on the left, but there’s no text in it? Did you intend to add a text? If yes, please go to Toggle > Settings tab > Make sure you have increase width value.

I get this n the iphone and Android

Hi @Moonworks,

Please add this code to the Element CSS of the dropdown navigation element:

@media (max-width: 480px) {
    $el .x-dropdown.x-active {
         left: -200%;

Hope this helps.

Thank you, that worked

We are delighted to assist you with this.


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