Header template missing

It seems I’ve removed the ability to install all the demo/sample headers for x pro for the template manager. I followed another thread here > https://theme.co/apex/forum/t/missing-header-templates/30795/10 but it didn’t work.

Is there a link to download them?

Hi Loren,

Thank you for reaching out to us. The code shared by Alexander in the post https://theme.co/apex/forum/t/missing-header-templates/30795/7 should work correctly, however you’re having trouble with the provided code then you can download the starter pack from the link below (see secure note)


Hi, yeah, I already tried that but it doesn’t install any headers (or footers) - just content blocks.

Hey Loren,

In this case, please give us WordPress Admin and FTP access in a Secure Note. Before we investigate, please also:

  • Switch to the parent theme if you’re using a child theme
  • Deactivate all third party plugins.

Or, you can copy your site to a staging server so we could test without disrupting your live site’s operation.


Actually, there’s no need now. I’ve managed to do what I needed - built from scratch but watched the tutorial first.

Glad it’s working now and thanks for sharing :wink:

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