Get page name or page id


I need to insert a page name (or page id) for a google analytics tracker (SEO recommandation).
I need it in file functions.php.
How it is possible?


Hi there,

Thanks for writing in! You should be able to follow this method.

add_action('wp_head', 'my_custom_google_analytics');
function my_custom_google_analytics() {
  if ( is_page( 123 ) ) {
    <!– Add Google Analytics Code here by replacing this line –>

<?php }

You can locate Page/Post IDs by following this guide (

Hope that helps.


Thanks for your answer. But I rather need to a syntax like %id_page% or &ABC->get(pageID)

Is it possible ?

This may be what you’re looking for:

add_action('wp_head', 'my_custom_google_analytics');

function my_custom_google_analytics() {

  $id = get_the_ID();

Thanks, I see this trick.

You’re welcome.

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