Genrating an API key with X theme Apex 4.3.0


We are trying to validate our license using your tutorials, unfortunately the link provided> is not working, we get an error message. Thus impossible to generate an API key and validate our license

Not found.
It seems as though the page you’re trying to access does not exist or has been moved.
Please click the back button in your browser and try your action again.

How do we generate an API with this version? It seems that we are in a loop.

Please advise.

Hello @k593,

Thanks for writing in! :slight_smile:

First, let us try troubleshooting again. Just to make sure, we didn’t missed some steps.

Please login to your account and assign the license. You need to assign the license to your site using the url you just assign in your WP Dashboard > Settings > General > Site Address.

Then, go back to X > Overview, and insert the license again.

Here’s the complete guide on how you can setup your product license:

Hope this helps.

Thanks for your efforts.

Unfortunately I can’t see X > Overview. You would have to downgrade to 4.3.0 tro replicate this error.

The only menu we have is X Add-ons. Please see the image attached.

Is there another tutorial for our version.

We cannot follow those steps.

If I go to Cornerstone > validation. It will take to to the API field, I cannot generate api.


Hey Jamie,

For your case, you would need to manually update X first. Please download the latest version in your dashboard here. Also note that It is important that you follow the best practices in updating.


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