Footer widget links are not responsive on mobile

Hi, i’ve added some basic HTML links to my footer widget (Apperance > Widgets > Footer 1)

See screenshot here:

These are cut off on mobile and not responding. Why is this?



Hey @armintz,

This is the output of your code in the Text widget. It is not responsive.

You need to style your menu with CSS and not use spaces. Regretfully, that would require custom development which is outside the scope of our support.

I’d recommend you use UberMenu which is a menu plugin bundled in X / Pro instead. With that, you create and style a menu without coding and then copy the shortcode and put it in the Text widget.


I assumed that the footer widget areas would be inheriting responsive code set by the theme since all other areas are. i’ll do it manually.

The footer widgets are responsive. But, your custom content needs to be responsive as well because the widget areas and the theme as a whole are simply responsive containers. Your custom content needs to be responsive like the built-in elements.


Gotcha. I assumed my basic html (text and links) would respond automatically since it’s within a responsive container.

Hi There,

Just add this css to your custom css, it will make the link responsive.

.gray-link {
    color: #949494;
    display: inline-block;

Hope this help.


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