Facebook Comments Not Loading on X Pro

On TheBlakeDiet.com I’m unable to get Facebook Comments to work.

Here are the steps I’ve taken:

  • I’ve followed the guidelines on https://theme.co/apex/forum/t/extension-facebook-comments/83 exactly, as I have done in the past. (This walkthrough doesn’t match the current Facebook Developer setup now).
  • I’ve disabled all plugins except for the Facebook plugin and it still won’t show so it isn’t a plugin conflict.
  • I checked the other support docs and even commented on one and was told to open a new ticket here

Thanks for your help,

Hello There,

Thanks for posting in! I can confirm that Facebook Comments plugin is not working in your site. I made some test in my local installation and the plugin is working for me (http://prntscr.com/kmml28). I even used both your appID and key and it is working in my local install.

In your site, it might not be working because of a plugin conflict. You could try testing for a plugin conflict. You can do this by deactivating all third party plugins, and seeing if the problem remains. If it’s fixed, you’ll know a plugin caused the problem, and you can narrow down which one by reactivating them one at a time.

Please let us know how it goes.

Thanks for looking at this so quickly.

If you check my bullet points, prior to sending this ticket I already did the plugin test and confirmed that it’s not the plugins.

When I disable everything but the facebook plugin the comments don’t show up. If I turn off the facebook comments plugin, the default commenting system is active. This means to me that it’s an issue with the plugin or something else.

This is my first attempt putting it on Pro and also editing blog posts with Cornerstone. Could those be causing the issue?

Again, any help in resolving this would be appreciated.

Hello There,

I did compare your settings and my settings. I noticed that you selected 500 as the number of posts. I changed it to 10 and now the comments are displaying.

Please check your site now.

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I can see the posts showing now, however this begs the question: Why would me setting it to the maximum cause this to break? In your screenshot there you can perfectly see the following instruction, “Select the amount of posts per page to display. Valid inputs are between 5 and 500 in increments of 5.”> So if I set that to the max (which feels logical to me), then why would it stop displaying?

Hey @philahudson,

It could be due to server limitation and that varies from website to website. Try increasing the value until you find the breaking point that your setup allows. Regretfully, there is no resource that shows what factors affect what value you can use.


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