Ethos 1 element demo

hi. I’m building a page in cornerstone with ethos 1. I can’t seem to find the element that makes your posts look like this. Thank you.

Hello There,

Thanks for writing in! The ethos 1 homepage is the blog index. This will be how the homepage will look like if you do not want to use a custom page as your homepage. If you already have a homepage, you will have to set up your blog index or Posts Page. Simply create a new page and assign this page as your Posts page in Settings > Reading > Front Page Displays. To know more about this, please check out this codex:

You can then go to X > Launch > Options > Ethos and X > Launch > Options > Blog for added blog index settings.

Hope this helps.

What I’m doing is creating category pages. And then putting them in the menu on the homepage. but I don’t see an option in the cornerstone for an element that makes them look like the home page of ethos. There all big block post with big pictures… What is the name of the element on the main page of ethos that is used for a post?

If u goto my how-to guides and buyers guides in my menu you will see what I mean,.

This site here is doing what i would like .


You don’t need to create your category pages manually.

Wordpress will automatically create it for you. See secure note for the link.

With regards to ethos post with big pictures, you can enable it under ethos settings.

For more information you mey refer to the link below

Hope that helps.

Checking the indexed featured option that’s for a post, I know that option because I clearly did it on my homepage.I don’t have that option in the cornerstone. I know its possible because this guy is doing it
And the link you told me to check in the secure note is just a link to my website.

Maybe you can answer this then. What is the best demo theme for a blog? Ethos seems to be limited.
Thank You,

Hi there,

What do you mean by you don’t have that option in cornerstone? Those options are in cornerstone too under Settings section (gear icon). All Ethos settings are also available in that settings section.

The one in this is also configured on that settings section since it’s individual configuration for each post.

What’s on your site is a static homepage which is completely different from here which is a blog home page. So please set-up a blog home page first instead of a static home page, it’s the rule regardless of the stack and all stacks are good for blogging. Please check this


Let us know if you still have a question.

Thank you.

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