Envira Gallery - No Box for License Key


I also have the problem of “Envira Gallery not showing License Key box”, as described in another Apex Forum post.

I have attempted both solutions presented in that forum post, as well as stated in the “Extension - Envira Gallery” guide.

That is, I included the following code in the X Child functions.php file:
function x_envira_gallery_remove_license_functionality() { return true; }

With that code, I see the Envira Gallery > Settings menu, but no License Box. A poster in the previous thread also stated that adding code to the wp-config.php file would allow Envira Gallery to know the license code:
define ( 'ENVIRA_LICENSE_KEY', 'your_license_key' );
That did not work, either. I am still unable to validate the Envira Gallery License Key and access add-ons for Envira Gallery.

What should I try next?


My system has the following parameters
X Theme: 6.1.2
X-Child: 1.0.0
Envira Gallery:

Hello There,

Thanks for writing in! I can confirm that there is a bug in the theme and the code no longer works. Please remove this code:

function x_envira_gallery_remove_license_functionality() { 
  return true; 

And replace it with code instead:

function x_envira_gallery_remove_license_functionality() { 
  if (is_admin() ) {
    remove_action( 'envira_gallery_admin_styles', 'x_envira_gallery_hide_key_box' );
    remove_action( 'admin_print_scripts', 'x_envira_gallery_hide_license_errors', 20 );
add_action('admin_init', 'x_envira_gallery_remove_license_functionality');

We would loved to know if this has work for you. Thank you.

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Yes, the code changes you suggested to X Child > functions.php have worked. I can now see the Envira Gallery > Settings > License Key box, and have been able to verify my Envira Gallery license key through the plug-in.

Thank you for your help.

Glad to hear it’s sorted.


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