Envira Gallery not showing License Key box


I wonder if you can help me?

I wanted to use some of the add-ons for Envira Gallery so purchased a License. On one of the sites the License Key box did not appear, so, using Envira’s Gallery suggestion I added the key to the functions.php file in the Pro Child Theme file, however I was still unable to install any of the Add-ons. Upgrading to Pro 2.0.2 seemed to fix this. I have now installed Pro 2.0.3 but the License box is still missing. Is there a way for me to show the box?

Login credentials are in a secure note.

Hi There,

Thank you for writing in, regarding the missing license key field, it seems to be an overlook on our end, I’ve submitted this to our issue tracker so the developers will be made aware of it.

It seems the function that the Envira Guys provided still working with 2.0.3, as the License Key field is showing on your site and the addons panel.


Hi Friech,

Thanks - yes, it all seems to be working okay as I can install the add-ons I want to use on the site, I’ll wait for a later update. :smile:

You’re welcome.

Hi There @KenCope ,

Update: Actually we intentionally removed the license field to prevent confusion, rest assured that we are finding a better path forward for this.

Would you mind sharing here the function that the Envira Guys provided you? I’m sure that will help others who will find your thread searching a solution for the same problem.


Hi Friech,

You can add the following to your wp-config.php file:

define ( ‘ENVIRA_LICENSE_KEY’, ‘your_license_key’ );

If the license key field in the WordPress Admin » Envira Gallery » Settings screen is left empty (or as in Pro / X case not showing), Envira will check for the above wp-config.php constant.

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Hello There,

Thanks for getting back to us. We have removed the Settings page from Envira Gallery and Soliloquy per some code provided by Thomas (plugin author) as we provide them in an “integrated” fashion. You can add this back in if you have extensions you would like to use by adding a function to your functions.php file in your child theme like so:

function x_envira_gallery_remove_license_functionality() { 
   return true; 

This will overwrite our custom functionality in /x/functions/global/plugins/envira-gallery.php and should make things behave in a default manner again.

Hope this helps.

Hi RueNel,

Thanks for the update, much appreciated :slight_smile:

You are most welcome!

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