E&P slider price

Do you know how to add prices on slider? like every number has its price and it added on total costs.

Form : https://www.argonstudios.com.my/?lfb_action=preview&form=8
Select Logo > Quantity > Two = 100 Five = 180 Ten = 230.


Hi Sathis,

Thank you for writing in, on the Item Options, you’ll see Apply reductions on quantities? option, please enable that and do this configuration. You still need to set your Price to 50.

What this does is, limit the user to select quantity from 2 - 10, and then it will calculate the price (quantity x item price). So that would be:

2 x 50 = 100
5 x 36 = 180
10 x 23 = 230

Extension - Estimation & Payment Forms

Hope that helps,

that worked but i want to use slider interval of 3, means users can only selects 2, 5 or 8.

2 = 100, 5 = 180, 8 = 230.

And can i disable the next step button? Selecting one of the options can automatically proceeds to next step.

Hey Sathis,

That is not possible with the slider. In this case, you will need to use a fixed option like an image.

There’s an option to hide the next button under the Step Options but there is no way to proceed to the next step without custom development beyond the scope of our support. The options is more of if you’d want to setup a dead end.


How to set the conditions?

If have Hosting > Choose a CMS,
If dont have Hosting > Pick a Host > Choose a CMS.

Please help…

Hi Sathis,

Please click that pencil icon and Add Condition. Please take time to watch this full clip for more details.

Hope it helps,

I tried but it didnt worked. When i selects Do you currently have hosting? > yes, it straight goes to final cost not picking a cms platform.

Can you recreate it on your end and share with how you did it.
Your help is greatly appreciated.

In this case, please give us WordPress Admin access so we could check your settings and replicate it exactly and see what happens in our test site.

Please post your credentials in a Secure Note


I’ve posted my login info.

Hi Sathis,

I did go ahead and fixed it, the issue is you’re using condition on the Which CMS you would prefer? step, you don’t need a condition in there because whether you choose a yes, or a no on the Do you currently have hosting? you’ll go through to that CMS step.


Thank u so so much. saved me a week’s headache. thanks

You’re most welcome!

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