Display latest post in full with comments and list of other posts underneath

Hi X Pro.

I want to show the latest blog post on a site in full on the news page, with comments. Then under this I want to show a list, ideally with excerpts.

I have been researching this for a while and cannot seem to see a way to display the latest post in full with comments with shortcode or other means.

I hope you can help.

Hello @pyntolimited,

Thanks for asking. :slight_smile:

You can display full post by turning on Full Post Content On Index under Pro > Theme Options > Blog > Content.

Here is a screencast that you can take a look.

To display post list along with excerpt, please follow the solution mentioned in following article. It will require changes in theme files. In that regards, please install and setup child theme before making any changes.

Download Child theme from following source: https://theme.co/apex/child-themes

Please take a look at following article to setup child theme:

Please note that providing support for custom codes (like CSS nad PHP changes) falls outside the scope of support we can offer. In case of any issues with the layout because of custom codes we won’t be able to provide support.


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