Customize woocommerce in spanish

Hi! I need to customize the fields on woocommerce in spanish
How can I do that?


Hello There,

The fields were generated by WooCommerce. If you want to trans the fields, you will have to translate WooCommerce. Please check out this documentation:

Hope this helps.

Hi! i did it and it worked partially

Some words appears in spanish and others in English…

How can I fix it?


Hi @virginiabonora,

Would you mind providing the URL that still has English words? Maybe the belongs to a different text domain. That’s only applicable for woocommerce text-domain (eg. woocommerce-is_IS.po). The procedure is always the same, but you’ll have to do it per text domain.


I attached an image of the site and i will have to give you my credentials by a secure note (the site it still in “coming soon” stage)

the url is

Hi @virginiabonora,

Yes, they are the strings belong to __x__ text domain. Please check this You’’ have to translate it similar to But instead of plugin, you’ll have to do it for the theme and use x.pot file.


Do you mean that are strings from x theme?
Because I eliminated xtheme and only use PRO…

Hello There,

When you switched theme, it is likely that you will have to start translating the theme again. X theme uses x.pot and for Pro theme, it is pro.pot. Just duplicate x.pot and rename it as pro.pot since you already translated most of the X theme. If you are using WPML or any translation plugin, it should pick up pro.pot and translate other keywords that hasn’t been translated.

Hope this helps.

I am having some troubles using the filezilla… (something within them and my hosting)
its there´s a chance to resolve this using loco plugin?


In my cpanel I already have a pro.pot file…

Hi @virginiabonora,

In that case, please translate the x.pot file with __x__ textdomain. Similar to how you translate your other strings for woocommerce textdomain, and follow the You could use translation plugin too like WPML or Logo plugin. But, if you have translation files then you may just continue it than having another active plugin.


Sorry for the question but:
how I ranslate the x.pot file with x textdomain?
I have translated the woocommerce plugin with LocoTranslate
When I want to translate the them, it appears the following mssg

I am really confused by now

I need to translate with Loco plugin
I Installed the Poedit but i am having problems with the FTP account and i am not sure if it´s a good idea to do the changes directly in the cpanel

Hi @virginiabonora,

The pot files are below under Additional files found , please translate them by clicking Archivo de la plantilla. You don’t need to manually add the textdomain or add a custom translation.

I checked and able to confirm this, and I think you don’t need to upload since the pot files are found. Just translate them :slight_smile:


ok then

You are welcome :slight_smile:

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