Cornerstone Update - Not loading properly

As I commented in this thread -

I am still having issues and seeing multiple bugs regarding this update, so I am creating a topic based on the last answer I got and I am attaching a secure note to see if the issue is with the host environment, I might need to whitelist the IP addresses since this is running in a private environment.

Also the issue occurs multiple times so it comes and goes, I have deactivated plugins and followed the procedures that I’ve read in related threads through the support forum.

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Hi There,

I have tried to login to your back-end but it throws en error (see secure note).

It could be that your server is down or you may have other restrictions enabled. Could you please check again and confirm, so that we can look into your issue.


@mldarshana - I need to whitelist your IP addresses with the server. Can you provide them so I can add them to the exception list?

Hello @Thompson,

Thanks for updating the thread. :slight_smile:

Can you for sometime disable IP blocking as we won’t be able to provide any specific IP since the support staff are based in different countries and different support staff might handle this ticket as you respond?


I set up a separate server thats open to the public.

Hello @Thompson,

Thanks for asking. :slight_smile:

I deactivated and re-activated all the plugins, regenerated permalinks and Cornerstone seems to be working fine now. Please see screenshot.

Please clear browser cache and try loading again.


Hello @Prasant,

Thanks for the reply and the time to check the issue, I am gonna test in a Ubuntu AWS server where our production site is and write you back if the issue still persists, if not then I will confirm that the issue has been resolved.

Thanks again for your help.

Let us know how it goes :slight_smile:

@mldarshana, @Prasant - So far the test is going well; however, I am getting warnings regarding the cs-vendor file in Cornerstone when I edit a page. Also when I click the “X - Edit” option I am getting JS errors as well and when I go to the blog I am getting other set of errors as well in the console. I am attaching screenshots.

Click in the X - Edit button

Recovery Blog page

Thanks again for the help.

Hi there,

Looks like the libraries are not loading, there is missing mejs, non-existing xsmartresize and $container.xIsotope . These are theme function, it could be due to cache or the theme files are corrupted. Could you try re-installing the theme and cornerstone? Then clear the cache and test it again.


Hi @Rad - I re-installed the X theme and cornerstone and still the same issue.


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Hey There,

Can you please confirm the correct ftp details because the one you gave is not working for us. Kindly send us the following:

  • FTP hostname
  • FTP username
  • FTP password

We will investigate further why MEJS script is not loaded or blocked in your server.


Hello @RueNel - Are you using SFTP? you can use the same credentials that I put above. I haven’t changed anything since.

Hi Thompson,

I’ve checked your website and I believe it’s related to your child theme files, could you please switch to the parent theme and recheck this issue?


Good morning @Alaa,

Still having the same issue even if I switch/remove the X-Child theme.

Hey Thompson,

Upon checking, the issue only happens in your home page which has many element. Cornerstone is working fine in other pages with fewer elements (see Secure Note). This is a known issue in some environments and a fix or performance improvement might be available in the succeeding releases. For now, regretfully, you’ll need to click “Try Again” until the Cornerstone completely loads.


Ok, I am getting a different answer for the issue and by clicking Try Again will delete the content that was created and that’s something I cannot abide based on the amount of content the site is handling. Also still the issue with the clicking in the X and then Edit Page, sometimes works and throws the error anyway or just won’t work at all and stays there doing nothing and throws the error again

I am attaching the screenshot again.
I feel like updating to cornerstone 3.0.4 is giving me more issues/bugs in general than before when the site was on 1.3.2.

Hi there,

Looks like we’re seeing different errors. Is it okay if you clone your site in a staging but in different host? I’m not sure how to continue but we have to narrow down the search.

Plus the error we’re seeing is not related to updates, but missing functions that prevent the theme and cornerstone from loading. Which could be related to cache too especially those functions (new namespaces) are latest features which aren’t present in the older version of cornerstone. Hence, what’s loading is the mix of both versions due to cache.


Hi @Rad, I doubt that will make any difference, we use nginx from AWS and from DigitalOcean and the configuration is pretty much the same, if I do one on AWS I can provide the link and access, but the result is the same since is the same error over and over again.

With the info I provided you guys can SFTP and see the files of the child theme and the cornerstone elements that were created.

Hey There,

I was able to logged in to your ftp. I saw the X and Child theme files. I could not check the other WordPress files. Please be advised that the JS error appearing on the page is coming from the MEJS in WordPress.

Could we have a full access to the WP installation? Please let us know.