Convertplus Plug - Call Modal Popup from Info Bar Button

I need some help with calling a modal popup from the info bar button. I’ve researched this and tried a few things but it’s still not working.

What should I enter into the url field of the button on the info bar to call a popup (which was also created in Convertplus)?



You can add # as url, but you need to add a unique class for the trigger.

For detailed guide kindly refer to the link below.

Hope that helps

Hi Paul,
Thanks for responding. I entered a custom css name on the popup. It’s esg-contact-us-optin

Then, I went into the info bar button url and tried entering #esg-contact-us-optin and esg-contact-us-optin by itself. Neither works.

Usually I would enter this css name into the Class field not the url field. However, there is No Class field on the info bar button.

Can you please look into this and let me know what we need to do to resolve this. Thanks!

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Hi there,

Would you mind providing your login details in a Secure Note so that we can check your setup?

Thank you.

Please see secure note above. Thanks!

Hello There,

I have logged in and I was able to resolved the issue. The button link should only be “#”. I have set the modal popup to be launch manually and using the “Launch with CSS class”. I inserted cp-btn-outline because this is the button class of your “Contact Us” in the info bar.

Please check your site now.

That worked. Thanks!

You’re welcome. We’re glad we were able to help you out.

Happy Holidays!

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