Classic Arccodion Titel H2

Good day,
I use “Classic Arccodion” and would like to change the title from an H4 heading to H2, how do I do that, see attachment

Thanks a lot !


Hello Ralf,

Thanks for writing in!

I checked my dev setup and Classic Accordion element heading does not wraps in a heading element. Please see screenshot. Can you please share the exact page URL so I can take a closer look?


Sorry, you are right. Can I make a H2 header out of the title if I use Arccordion?

Is there an alternative to Arccordion?

Hi @ratgeber,

Unfortunately, you can not add H2 tag to the title of the Classic Accordion element. You can use the Accordion element instead (not the classic one) and there you can add H2 tag. But then you need to add Element CSS code to remove the default margin of the H4 tag:

$el h2 {
margin: 0;

Thank you.

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